Take The Social Networking Zombie Out For A Walk

What kind of things are you doing to build your home business?  If you are a network marketer like I am, you are probably using as many online tools as you can, including the social media sites like Twitter, FaceBook and so on.  Meeting people online and forging meaningful relationships is one of the main keys to building a strong foundation for your home business to build upon.

But let me ask you this – Do you feel as though you spend every waking hour in your home office staring at your computer to make these connections happen?  While that is sometimes a necessity for working online, there may be other ways you can meet new people and still get out from behind that glowing screen.  Take a look at this video to find out how I have been able to give my home business a real boost and also save myself from computer overload.


I hope you found these tips helpful!  Please leave me a comment below if you would like more information on how you can implement the things I talked about in your area.  As always, please feel free to share this with your online friends!

Yours In Success,


  1. Hi Glyna,

    So share the magic ingredient please! I’ve been to many networking events in the past, particularly business breakfasts and haven’t found them to be particularly productive. A colleague of mine has been persisting with networking for around 9 months (to be honest I didn’t last that long) and had some interesting feedback. He said that he felt there were established cliques that seemed impossible to break into and that the leads didn’t justify the time commitment. Jokes aside, do you think there’s a formula or protocol that exists at this type of event or do you think this is a local (UK) issue?

    Thanks in advance.



  2. BNI, Hmm never heard of the group before. Glyna looks like your starting to blossom. I appreciate you and the enthusiasm you bring to our table. Thanks for being you.

  3. Hi Glyna!
    I so enjoyed your video. It is funny because I joined a meetup.com group that had nothing to do with network marketing, just to follow an interest of mine. I purposely joined this group for “distracting” myself away from my computer screen. I found that building relationships outside of my computer was refreshing. As I got started talking to people, I found out they were into network marketing, or MLMs.
    I strongly suggest people listening to this video. It gives us a new perspective and joy.
    As always, Thank you Glyna for sharing your ideas with all of us. I enjoy your videos and love your home office!

  4. Glyna,
    Such a timely post. I was getting bogged down with all the interactions online. It felt good to step away and reconnect with people! I like your ideas for finding people within your interest group or niche outside of the web. Refreshing and invigorating to share with others face to face.

    Thanks so much for being spot on with this,
    Val 🙂

  5. Hi Glyna,
    Yes, yes, yes! Getting outside, walking, meeting people in person…all are SO important aspects of building a profitable home business! I have found myself sitting for far too many hours in front of my computer only to wonder at the end of it all…what just happened? 🙂 Now that summer is here, reconnecting LIVE and IN PERSON is far easier and far more fun (think BBQ’s, beach picnics, outdoor concerts…)
    Thank you for your inspired video! You are always such a positive light in my day.
    Mary Lou

  6. Mary Lou – You are inspiring yourself! Thank you for such a nice comment. It has been so much fun getting out and building relationships face to face with people:)

  7. You are so welcome Val! Yes – once in a while you have to get out of the office and reconnect with people in your local areas. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. That is awesome Donna. I was really surprised at how many network marketers were at the events I have been going to. The atmosphere has changed so much in the last few years!

  9. Hmmm – I wouldn’t see why it would be a UK issue – but you never know. I can’t really say since I haven’t been there before. I have found one of the keys is to make sure to be consistent and go back to the same groups week after week so people can get to know you. I have found the more I get to know people, the more they trust me with their referrals. I would also make an effort to meet some of those people in the cliques out one on one. That way you have someone you know in each one of them and it gives you a reason to be part of their conversations. Please contact me at 205-790-1519 if you would like more info! Thanks Andrew!

  10. Wow Glynna, I love your post so much. I never expected that the outside environment could help online business grow. =) I will surely get this to be as part of my network marketing strategy. I always stuck with my computer and thanks to your I learned something new. Maybe I should give a try moving out from my home and meet new people instead =) More power to you.

  11. Hey Glyna! I agree with Val’s post – you really are starting to blossom! You are becoming much more comfortable on camera, and appear very confident. You also, as always, have great value to offer!

    Thanks for reminding us all about what is really important – people. And making relationships the old-fashioned way!

  12. Hi Glyna,

    I love your video! There is nothing like networking online and off line. I started a Heartlink Women’s network when I first moved to Sedona AZ from Seattle WA.

    We now have two Heartlink events in our area and the networking is fabulous! I love picking on the phone and connecting with people both offline and online.

    It is so important to feed our souls with face to face connections as well as our online connections. Also, meeting when possible with those we meet online takes our online relationships to a whole new level.

    Thanks for sharing and I look forward to future videos.


  13. Glyna,

    Great post about stepping away from the “puter”, many times we get stuck in a rut and forget the basic things that have worked in the past.

    Relationships is where it’s at! Online, Offline, where ever you can make it work.


  14. Hey Glyna! Great post. I think as a Network Marketers we get so comfortable in our little online world. That is great advice to get out there and meet people in person.

  15. I participate in about five networking groups as a Business Development Manager for my company. I haven’t ventured into introducing my networking marketing opportunity in any of these forums, but I can see how the relationships that are built in those rooms could benefit from conversations about my home business. Online marketing is time consuming and is not duplicable for most.

  16. Julie – If you are in that many different groups I would definitely try to introduce it in one and see what happens. It might be a whole new avenue for you.

  17. amen sister!

    i love BNI… it helped me launch my biz and have a lot of local contacts that i could rely on for great entrepreneurial tips!

    for me, online marketing has been something i’ve added to my local marketing efforts to build my biz!

    thanks glyna =)

  18. Hi Melissa – BNI has definitely made a huge difference for me as well! I think you have to market both online and offline to make your home business work! Thanks

  19. Great post and video Glyna,

    Going to an event or networking summit is how you take the Internet to the next level. It’s the place where you can go to meet everyone you have been hanging out with online and it takes the relationships you have already to the next level.

  20. I agree that getting out is good. BNI is a good group. Toastmasters is another great group. It helps you personally and you meet great people there too.Thanks for the tips Glyna.

  21. You can meet people you have met online but also combine that with meeting new people locally as well. It gives you the best of both worlds! Thanks Matthew!

  22. Thank You Glyna!

    I have wanted to get out there to some of these meetings. I have been nervous to do so and I think using my ‘stay at home mom’ status as an excuse to not being able to get out. I am going to seek out some events. Your energy has really inspired me. Thanks so much for your message. 🙂


  23. Great Video! I am going to look into BNI…Great tips! I think you are right and I definitely need to step out a little!

    Thanks so much..


  24. BNI is awesome! I made up my investment in no time and have made some awesome friends so far. I think it will only get better! Please let me know if you need more info about it:) Thanks Nathalie

  25. Hi Glyna,

    Love the title to your post!

    You have a great point. I am in my office online alot 🙂

    Thanks for sharing. Love your smile.

    Great blog


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