You can do it! Haven’t our friends and family been tortured enough by every lotion, potion and 10 second diet plan we have all tried to sell? I know it seems natural to go to those people you know and trust the most to start your new business, but don’t you think there has to be a better way?
I realize better than anyone that it may take a couple of tries to find your real niche and that perfect home based business opportunity, but that shouldn’t mean you have to badger your loved ones and make them suffer through it all with you.
After all, where do you go from there? You have exhausted all of your close contacts – AGAIN – now where do you turn? This has happened to a lot of us and is one reason a lot of entrepreneurs jump from opportunity to opportunity and never find real success. Stop the madness and try something new! Force yourself to get out of your comfort zone and take on a new challenge. Look to the world of Online Marketing for your business success. Everyone is doing it now and if you choose not to, you will soon find yourself back where you started.
Online Marketing can provide you a multitude of avenues to venture in to. The possibilities are endless and you will never have to shove your products down your loved ones throat again. Participating in Online Marketing for your Home Business is really a crucial part of being successful these days. If you do not have a strong presence on the Internet, your business may be doomed to fail.
Now with that being said – where do you start? That is a great question that can have many, many different answers. It is also depends on how much knowledge you currently have about the Internet. Invest in yourself and really take the time necessary to study, learn and really soak in all the options open to you in Online Marketing. It may be a steep learning curve for some of you at the beginning, but the end result will be worth the while.
When you get down to it, like anything, this opportunity is really what you choose to make of it, so try to have some fun along the way too! AND – While you are learning and gathering all this awesome information, take time to share your knowledge and “lessons learned” with others. You might be surprised how many people are in the same boat as you and could definitely make use of everything you discover.
You could share by taking this opportunity to start your own blog and use it to help guide others right along with you. Or, maybe try your hand at writing articles about interesting things you have found that might be of great inspiration to others. Also take time to investigate Social Networking, Video Marketing and Search Engines among many other things for your online advertising.
No matter what you choose to do, just make sure you embrace Online Marketing and everything it has to offer you and your home based business.
Please feel free to leave any comments, tips or strategies you have for getting started in Online Marketing. Please feel free to share with your friends on Twitter, Facebook and beyond.
To Your Success,
Glyna, avoiding the high cost of search packages, I have found that joining government associations, labor organizations, and simply mass emailing current customers is a great way to market as well. If a business has a product to offer that the government (GSA) is looking to buy, the GSA will market for you by putting your business in thier database. I recommend small bus. to research the FBO & GSA.
I used to go to my family and friends every time, I found the new best money making business. They were so tired of me. I was told to make money then come see me. So I knew I had to find a better way.
Online marketing has help me earn more money without bugging my friends and family. In fact, I will never bugged them again. When they are interested in what I am doing they can come to me…that way I can say, “I tried to tell you about it a long time ago.”
.-= Jaden Daniels´s last blog ..The Secrets Of Successful Network Marketers =-.
Great suggestions Glyna.
There are so many people out there that you can market to when you learn the right techniques strategies to market online so why chase your friends and family? 🙂 and you can beceome much more successful by taking advantage of the oportunities to market online.
Dr Jon
.-= Jon Alfredsson´s last blog ..5 Reasons Why You Need An Accountability Partner =-.
If the Tribe is for us who can stand against us. It’s gonna be a great year. Your on the right track Glyna and I’m rootin (could be a deep South word) for you.
I absolutely LOVE this post! You capture so perfectly the dilemma EVERYONE in Network Marketing faces. (I always call it the dreaded “NFL” program.) What a gift the Internet is for those of us who see the future is online for business, no matter what business we are in.
I love your passion and your energy. Both come through so well in your writing!
~Mary Lou
.-= Mary Lou Kayser´s last blog ..5 Rules for Succeeding in the New Economy =-.
Hi Glyna,
thanks for the post
I love the internet and having my own business. it is the way to go!
you are providing wonderful content, keep up the good work.
.-= Jeremy Creager´s last blog ..What does the ego fear the most? It is Love, Self Love, Selfish Love and Selfless Love!!! Welcome to the SHADOW Side! =-.
This is so true, there probably isn’t a network marketer out there that hasn’t at some point overstepped some boundaries with their family and friends. The good news is that those are the people who love us the most, and who will still pick up the phone when we call – LOL!
Those of us who figure out that there truly is a better way, and are willing to put the time, sweat, and money into learning how to market effectively online, are being blessed with true success, and a happiness that comes from never feeling the need to pitch family and friends. Old school network marketing is gone, and I for one will not miss it!
.-= Kathy Jodrey´s last blog ..Dr. Wayne Dyer Power of Intention – Kindness Lessons =-.
I second that Kathy! I will not miss it either and hope to never have to be in that world again:)
Sometimes it is hard to know which side of the fence to sit on. Not offering any of your opportunity to friends and family is denying them the fun of checking out what works for you. I am a firm believer, however, in making use of all Internet social media to network with like minded people. It’s amazing that the entire World is our market!
Yes it is Darlene! It is great to share with family and friends if they are truly interested:) Thanks for the comment!
An interesting picture with the article. Some people do in fact make a friend in conjunction with their religious associations and then assume that if they agree on one thing (religion) they will automatically agree on being interested in their biz opp (politics, anything). It’s faulty thinking on so many levels. You can lose a new friend, anger other members of (say like in the picture) a Bible Study Group for chasing away a new member of that group, and so on. Such situations all go back to Listening vs Telling. It is a wise person that has mastered the art of listening to the other person instead of assuming that the other person “is” who we think they are (needing or wanting our MLM). As you said to Darlene, if upon listening to a family member I discover they ARE interested in my MLM, sure sharing is great — but just keep on listening.
Richard – You are so right about listening. You never know what you will find out and you will never have to worry about pushing things on people and offending anyone. Thanks