Today I made the mistake of visiting the neighborhood grocery store in the hope of quickly grabbing one item. Of course much to no surprise there were only 2 lanes open, 5-6 people deep, with no express in sight. I decided not to get frustrated because “its just life” and it really doesn’t make or break you to stand patiently in line. I looked around and noticed people crowding the person in front of them and for the most part becoming increasingly irritated. No way was anyone going to help out a poor woman with only ONE item and let her in front of their overflowing grocery cart. That was UNTIL the man in front of me got to the register and almost had all of his stuff unloaded when he looked back and caught a glance of me standing there waiting. He took one look, insisted I go before him, moved to the side and even told the cahier to make sure she rang me up first! I know this may sound very insignificant to many of you and maybe I am just easily impressed, but that made my day. “Thank you nice grocery store guy.”
Is it just me or has it been a long time since a stranger did something nice for you, as insignificant as it might be? The reason I am writing about this is because I wonder if all our expectations of chivalry have become so diluted that we are getting used to people being inconsiderate. That seems really sad to me. We shouldn’t be so surprised when someone chooses to do something nice for us, but it seems to be so rare these days, it seems almost normal.
The second part to this little story is that I made a point to thank him a couple of times and let him no that I really appreciated the gesture. How many times have you gone out of your way to let a car pull in front of you or help someone and they did not even look at you twice, let alone take time to say thank you. Don’t get me wrong; I help people because I want to, not because I expect any thanks. That is how it should be though, right?
The moral of this tale is that we all need to be kinder to each other and genuinely appreciate assistance when given. Let’s all try to remember this the next time we are stuck in line or fighting traffic. I’m sure it will be greatly appreciated!
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Yours in Success,
Amen! I get so aggreviated when (what seems to me)younger folks do not offer to be kind and let folks over in traffic, hold open doors, etc… I have made sure my children know to do that as part of respect & MANNERS.
I agree it is irritating when people just let the door slam on you when your arms are full, If I catch my kids not showing their manners I smack’em on the head!
I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found to be greatly interesting. I will be coming back to for more information.
Hi Glyan, thanks for the post and for spreading positive love energy and kindness to everyone.
blessings to you
.-= Jeremy Creager´s last blog ..Thanks For Coming To The Site Where LOVE IS AT THE CORE =-.
Thanks Jeremy – you always have such kind words:)
I LOVE the subject of chivalry and random acts of kindness. Don’t know if being on the planet over half a century makes me more of a fan of chivalry, but we definitely need to model it for the new generations. And, probably remind the old generations as well. Great add-on, the topic of gratitude. It really IS nice to be appreciate.
Thanks so much,
I totally agree Dr. Adam! We all need to be reminded of being kind to one another:) Thanks